Appraisal Cost                                                                                 Last updated 1/13/2023

                                          Edina, MN  55439        952-942-0949 

* Note
Add $100 for homes with 2,500 to 3,500 square feet of above grade living area.

Larger, more expensive homes may have a higher fee.

If this is applicable to you please contact us for a fee quote. The most common form appraisal requests are listed on the right.

There are other form appraisals that are available upon request.



  • 1004 URAR with interior inspection  -  $500*  View
    Comprehensive appraisal of a single-family home in a summary format; generally accepted by all lenders for 1st mortgage lending.  Includes an interior and exterior inspection, front cover page, 1004 form, building sketch, front, rear and street scene photos, 3 or more comparable sale photos, location map, description addendum (if needed), certification/limiting condition,  appraiser qualifications.  
    Building Sketch with Interior Floor Plan add - $25

  • 704 Desktop / Drive-by appraisal -  $300*  View
    Limited scope "drive-by" appraisal of a one-family home using Freddie Mac form 704. No interior inspection required. Normally used for a second mortgage or home equity loan.  Including an exterior inspection, front cover page,  794 form, front, rear and street scene photos, description addendum (if needed), certification/limiting condition, appraiser qualifications. 
    Building Sketch Only add - $10; Building Sketch with Interior Floor Plan add - $25; Location Map add - $10; Comp Photos add - $25.

  • 2055 (9-96) Desktop / Drive-by appraisal  -  $350*  View
    Limited scope "drive-by" appraisal of a single-family home using Fannie Mae form 2055 or 2065 Limited Appraisal Report (no interior inspection required). Includes
    2055 or 2065 form, certification/limiting condition, appraiser qualifications.   Interior inspection add - $50; Building Sketch add - $25; Location Map add - $10; Subject Photos add - $10; Comp Photos add - $25.

  • 2075  Limited Desk Review   -  $300*  View
    Limited scope, exterior-only, property inspection without an estimate of market value using Fannie Mae form 2075. 
    Includes 2070 or 2075 form, certification/limiting condition, appraiser qualifications.   Building Sketch Only add - $10; Building Sketch with Interior Floor Plan add - $25; Location Map add - $10; Comp Photos add - $25.

  • 465/1073  Condominium   -  $675*  View
    Comprehensive appraisal of a single-family condominium in a summary format; generally accepted by all lenders for 1st mortgage lending on condominiums.  Includes an interior unit and exterior building  inspection, front cover page, 465 form, unit dimension sketch, front building and street scene photos, 3 or more comparable sale photos, location map, description addendum (if needed), certification/limiting condition, and appraiser qualifications.   Unit Sketch with Interior Floor Plan add - $25.

  • 1025 Small Residential Income *(2 units - $850; 3 units - $900, 4 units -$950)  View  Comprehensive summary appraisal report of a two, three or four unit dwelling  form 2075.  Includes 2075 form (4 pages), an interior and exterior inspection, front cover page, building sketch, front, rear and street scene photos, 3 or more comparable sale photos, location map, description addendum (if needed), certification/limiting condition, and appraiser qualifications.   Building Sketch with Interior Floor Plan add - $25/unit; Listing Photos add - $25; Rental Comparable Photos add - $25; 206 Operating Income Statement (2 page form) add $100.

  • FHLMC 71B - Residential Income *(5 to 30 units: up to 11 units - $1,800; 12 to 30 units - $2,400)  View  Comprehensive summary appraisal report for a five to twenty unit dwelling.  Includes 71B form (4 pages), an interior and exterior inspection (if possible, all vacant units and 50% of occuppied units), front cover page, building sketch, front, rear and street scene photos, interior photos, sales and rental  comparable data (includes extra sales & rentals if necessary), location map, description addendum (if needed), certification/limiting condition, and appraiser qualifications.   Building Sketch with Interior Floor Plan add - $25/unit; Listing Photos add - $50; Rental Comparable Photos add - $50.

  • Narrative Appraisal Reports (Most Apartment Buildings, Small Commercial, and Light Industrial - $1,800 to $3,500; contact us for a fee quote)  View  Comprehensive "self contained" in depth appraisal report generally consisting of the following:

    Letter of Transmittal Area Data Cost Approach
    Summary of Salient Data Neighborhood Description Plat Map
    Purpose/Function  Zoning Income Approach
    Definition of Market Value Building Sketches Market Data Approach
    Sale History Appraiser Qualification Final Recap of Value
    Floor Plan Site Description Certification
    Other Misc. Addenda Improvements Analysis Limiting Conditions
    Property Identification Highest and Best Use Photos
    Tax Analysis Appraisal Process Zoning Map

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